I have adopted the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 convention for country designation.
- TAG Mixtures 07/02 Prague, CZ slides.
- Due Giorni Di Algebra Lineare Numerica
Pisa, IT slides.
- Oxford-RAL Reading Group 05/12 Oxford, UK slides.
- Prague Material Modelling Seminar 23/10 Prague, CZ slides.
- Firedrake User Meeting 16/09 - 18/09 Oxford, UK slides.
- Gottingen Internal Seminar 4/09 Gottingen, DE picture.
- SciCADE 2024 15/07 - 19/07 Singapor, SG slides.
- GIMC SIMAI Yung 2024 10/07 - 12/07 Napoli, IT slides.
- PDESoft 01/07 - 03/07 Cambridge, UK slides.