@article{doi:10.1137/24M1630529, author = {Farrell, Patrick E. and Russo, Giovanni and Zerbinati, Umberto}, title = {Kinetic Derivation of an Inviscid Compressible Leslie–Ericksen Equation for Rarified Calamitic Gases}, journal = {Multiscale Modeling \& Simulation}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {1585-1607}, year = {2024}, doi = {10.1137/24M1630529}, URL = {}, eprint = {} }
@article{trezziZerbinati2024, author={Trezzi, Manuel and Zerbinati, Umberto}, title={When rational functions meet virtual elements: the lightning virtual element method}, journal={Calcolo}, year={2024}, month={Jun}, day={13}, volume={61}, number={3}, pages={35}, issn={1126-5434}, doi={10.1007/s10092-024-00585-1}, url={} }
@inproceedings{zampiniEtAll2024, author = {Zampini, Stefano and Zerbinati, Umberto and Turkyyiah, George and Keyes, David}, title = {PETScML: Second-Order Solvers for Training Regression Problems in Scientific Machine Learning}, year = {2024}, isbn = {9798400706394}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3659914.3659931}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference}, articleno = {17}, numpages = {12}, keywords = {scientific machine learning, second-order methods}, location = {, Zurich, Switzerland, }, series = {PASC '24} }
@article{zerbinati2022, title = {PINNs and GaLS: A Priori Error Estimates for Shallow Physics Informed Neural Networks Applied to Elliptic Problems}, journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine}, volume = {55}, number = {20}, pages = {61-66}, year = {2022}, note = {10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2022}, issn = {2405-8963}, doi = {}, url = {}, author = {U. Zerbinati}, }